The Key To Becoming A Boundary Setting Bada$$ No One Is Talking About
The number one reason I love doing what I do is because I love seeing women enjoying life more.
Body insecurity and the usual subsequent food rules and restriction leads to an exhausting and limited existence and I love seeing women feel more freedom. I love to see them stretching out into their life more and enjoying more of it because of a new found confidence in food and their body.
But something else has also been happening with my clients that has been really surprising to me but shouldn’t be.
I am seeing that when women stop endlessly trying to make their bodies smaller, they ALSO start gaining more clarity about what they want and need in other areas of their lives AND they start asking for it and going for it.
In other words, once women start claiming literal space for themselves with their bodies, they start to become boundary setting badasses and claim space for themselves in all areas of their lives.
It is a positive side effect of this work that makes total sense but I never saw coming.
Once women start claiming literal space for themselves with their bodies, they start to become boundary setting badasses and claim space for themselves in all areas of their lives.
Once a woman blows the cover off of the belief that she has to keep trying to be smaller, be more accepted, fit more into society’s mold, she starts taking different action. She stops endlessly trying to make herself smaller and realizes that she is o.k., actually she is thriving by no longer submitting to that belief. She can now hold other beliefs to the light. Beliefs about needing to be small, accommodating and pleasing and say to herself “let’s see what happens when I shatter this one and no longer sacrifice myself and my needs for everyone else, perhaps I will be o.k., perhaps I will thrive!”
And I will tell you, it is powerful to see it happen.
And THIS, this is the other reason why I love what I do. When this starts happening, when women start living boldly in the body that they have NOW instead of living for the body that they WISH they had, this is when they:
They speak up more
They uplevel their business
They go after the promotion
They stop hiding themselves
They get on the stage
They do the webinar
They get the brand photos
They empower because they feel empowered
They set other women free
They raise kids who have good body image
And it keeps going.
And this is why I created a group coaching program, because women have a unique ability to inspire and empower one another.
And when women inspire one another to expand instead of shrink themselves, the life results are incredible.
The truth is, most women will spend their 40’s and 50’s endlessly trying to make their body’s smaller instead of their lives bigger, will you?
If you are starting to want something different for yourself, I have created a free resource to get you started. Click here to get my free Becoming Body Confident video and workbook series.
Hi! I’m Meg and I help women stress and obsess less about food and their body so that they can enjoy life more and make a bigger impact on this world!
If you want to become more nutrition and body confident, click the button below to get my free video and workbook series, 4 Steps To Becoming Body Confident.