My Revelation In Target
This morning I ran into Target for a few things before we head out of town to go camping, and as soon as I walked in the door I saw a mom shopping in the dollar section with her toddler and I just became overwhelmed with sadness.
Over the past year, the passing of time is hitting me really hard. When I saw that mom with her toddler, I longed for those days with my girls when they were younger. So much so my heart ached.
Usually my eyes well up with tears and that ache stays with me a while. But today, unlike any other time I have had this experience over the past year, a new reality hit me.
One day I will also feel the same way about the time I have with them NOW. I will look back on these very years with longing when they are older and are in high school or college.
What if I let the way I feel about missing those toddler years inform the way I appreciate the time I have with them right now? It could make this time so much richer, so much more sweeter, so much more joyful.
We can have this experience with our bodies too.
Perimenopause and Weight Gain - there are other ways to fix this problem!
Studies show that most women in their 40’s are dissatisfied with their bodies. I know we “know” this, but stop for a second and really think about it.
Think about how you feel about your body and how much effort you have put into disliking it and changing it. How it impacts your day from choosing what to wear to feeling self conscious or comparing your body to others.
MOST women are doing this right alongside you.
I know it doesn’t seem like it, but I mean think about it, we all do a darn good job of pretending like we are fine when we are not, it’s the same thing here.
Body dissatisfaction is everywhere. Everywhere women are having a hard time.
3 Things You Should Know About Stubborn Belly Fat
We need to talk about three things you should know about stubborn belly fat.
I am talking about that increase in belly fat that you may have experienced in your late 30’s to mid 40’s.
Hello perimenopause, there you are.
It feels different, it can be uncomfortable, and it can feel like it won’t go anywhere.
All those things you used to do to try to slim down before swimsuit season aren’t cutting it anymore. The fat hangs differently too and shows up in different ways (at least mine does!).
It’s a whole other ball game.
And there is no shortage of “solutions” out there for belly fat promoted to women in perimenopause. Like more solutions than menu items at the Cheesecake Factory.
That’s the reason why today I’m going to give you a run down on: 3 things that I think are important for you to know about this stubborn belly fat: